Friday, 30 September 2016

CISA Exam-Important Topic & Study Material

Sr.No. Testing Concept Domain Video Tutorial E-Book Last Minute Revision-Video
1 Steps of Risk Assessment  Domain 1
2 Types of Risk Domain 1 In process
3 Compliance & Substantive Testing Domain 1
4 Online Auditing Techniques  Domain 3
5 Outsourcing Functions Domain 2 In process In process
6 IT Strategy Committee & IT Steering Committee Domain 2 In process In process
7 Difference between Inherent Risk & Residual Risk Domain 1 In process In process
8 Difference between Vulnerability & Threat  Domain 1 In process In process
9 IT Alignment with Business Objectives  Domain 2 In process
10 Audit Charter Domain 1 In process
11 IT Balanced Score Card Domain 2 In process
12 COBIT-5 Domain 1 In process In process
13 Internal Controls  Domain 1 In process In process
14 Roles of various functions of IT Domain 2 In process
15 Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) Domain 4 In process
16 Alternate Recovery Site  Domain 4 In process
17 Digital Signature  Domain 5 In process
18 Wireless (Wi-Fi)Security Domain 5 In process
19 Firewall Types Domain 5
20 Firewall Implementation Domain 5
21 Control Self Assessment (CSA) Domain 1
22 Parity-Checksum-CRC Domain 3
23 Check Digit Domain 3
24 Sampling Domain 1
25 PERT-CPM-Gantt Chart-FPA-EVA-Timebox Domain 3
26 Logical Access Domain 5 In process In process

CISA Exam-Last Minute Revision Online Auditing Techniques

CISA Exam-Last Minute Revision- Compliance Testing & Substantive Testing...

CISA Exam-Last Minute Revision -Types of Risk

CISA Exam-Last Minute Revision Steps of Risk Assessment

Saturday, 24 September 2016

CISA Exam-Testing Concept-PERT/CPM/Gantt Chart/FPA/EVA (Chapter 3)

to remember for CISA Exam:

any given scenario, when objective is to estimate project duration or timeless,
answer should be PERT or CPM. However first preference to be given to PERT.

any given scenario, when objective is to monitor the project or track any
milestone, answer should be Gantt Chart.

In any given scenario, when objective is to consider earned value by calculating
any of the following, answer should be Earned Value Analysis (EVA).

-Budget to date
-Actual spending to date
-Estimate to complete
-Estimate at completion

In any given scenario, when objective is to estimate software size, answer
should be FPA or SLOC. However first preference to be given to FPA.

In any given scenario, when objective is to prevent project cost overruns and
delays from scheduled delivery, answer should be Timebox Management.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

CISA Exam-Testing Concept-Sampling

This video simplifies the concept of sampling as defined in
CRM. Also questions on sampling defined as per CISA exam pattern


Sunday, 4 September 2016

CISA Exam-Testing Concept-Check Digit

In this video, we have simplified concept on Check Digit and designed questions on check-digit as per CISA exam pattern.


Saturday, 3 September 2016

CISA Exam-E Book-Sampling

Point to remember for CISA exam:

(1)In any given scenario, statistical sampling is to be used when the probability of error must be objectively quantified (i.e no subjectivity is involved).

(2)In any given scenario, Attribute sampling is best suitable for compliance and variable sampling for substantive testing.

(3)In any given scenario, best sampling technique where fraud is being suspected is Discovery Sampling. 

(4)A higher confidence coefficient will result in the use of a larger sample size. In other way, higher sample size will give higher confidence coefficient.

(5)In any given scenario, when internal controls are strong, confidence coefficient /sample size may be lowered.

(6)In any given scenario, statistical sampling minimizes the detection risk.

For detailed E-Book, please visit:

CISA Exam-Testing Concept-Parity Bit-Checksum- CRC

Concepts on Parity Bit, Checksum and CRC simplified for CISA

Friday, 2 September 2016

CISA Exam-Testing Concept-Control Self Assessment (CSA)

Self-Assessment (CSA) is very important concept in domain 1 and invariably
finds place in CISA exam. We can expect atleast 2 to 3 question on this
concept. The objective of this video is to ensure that CISA candidate get
adequate knowledge of concept on ‘Control Self-Assessment’ .Question Answer and
Explanation (QAE) on ‘CSA’ concepts are designed in accordance with CISA exam

Thursday, 18 August 2016

CISA Exam-E Book-Control Self-Assessment (CSA)

What is Control Self-Assessment (CSA)?
Control self-assessment (CSA) is a technique that allows managers and work teams directly involved in business units, functions or processes to participate in assessing the organization's risk management and control processes.
Team understand the business process, define the controls and generate an assessment of how well the controls are working.

Details of Control Self-Assessment

Point to remember for CISA Exam:
(1)In any given scenario, objective of control self assessment is to concentrate on areas of high risk and to enhance control monitoring by functional staff.
(2)In any given scenario, role of an IS auditor in a control self-assessment (CSA) should be that of facilitator.
(3)In any given scenario, most important success factor for CSA is involvement of line management.
(4)In any given scenario, purpose of CSA is to enhance the audit responsibilities (and not audit replacement).
Question, Answer & Explanation on ‘Control Self-Assessment (CSA)’ Concept:

Below QAE are solely on the concept of CSA. They are designed as per CISA Exam pattern. Candidates are advised to attempt below questions multiple times. More emphasis to be given on explanation part for better understanding. 

For detailed E Book:

Saturday, 13 August 2016

CISA Exam-Video Tutorial-Firewall Implementation

Every CISA exam will have atleast 3 to 5 questions on either screened host or dual-homed or subnet firewall. This video deals with firewall implementation as per CRM.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

CISA EXAM-E-Book-Check Digit,Parity Bit & Atomicity

Check Digit,Parity Bit & Atomicity

This article covers  three important concepts that invariably find place in almost all CISA exams i.e Check Digit, Parity Bit and Atomicity.

Point to remember for CISA exam:

(1)When objective is to identify transcription and transposition error, answer should be check digit.

(2)When objective is to ensure accuracy, answer should be check digit.

(3)When objective is to identify transmission error, answer should be parity bits or checksum (higher version of parity bit) or CRC (higher version of checksum).

(4)When objective is to ensure completeness, answer should be parity bits or checksum (higher version of parity bit) or CRC (higher version of checksum).

(5)When objective is to ensure integrity, answer should be parity bits or checksum (higher version of parity bit) or CRC (higher version of checksum).

(6)For point no. (3), (4) and (5), first preferences to be given as follow:

(i)First preference to CRC
(ii)If CRC is not there as option then preference to be given to Checksum
(iii)If CRC and Checksum both are not there in option then preference to be given to Parity Bits.

(7)When objective is to correct (detect & correct) transmission error, answer should be Forward Error Control (FEC).

(8)When objective is to ensure that a transaction must either fully happen, or not happens at all, answer should be atomicity.

Question, Answer & Explanation on ‘Check Digit-Parity Bit-Atomicity’ Concept:
Below QAE are solely on the concept of parity bits, check digit and atomicity. They resemble to the type/nature of questions as per CISA exam pattern. Candidates are advised to attempt below questions multiple times. More emphasis to be given on explanation part for better understanding. 

For detailed E-Book, please download from below link:

Saturday, 6 August 2016

CISA Exam-Testing Concept-Firewall Types

Testing concept on 'Firewall Types' invariably finds place in all the CISA exams. This video aims to simplify the concept. Also video explains QA as per CISA exam pattern.

Friday, 22 July 2016

CISA Exam-Video Tutorial-Wireless (Wi- Fi)Security

Questions on SSID, MAC filtering, War-driving and WPA-2 are integral part of any CISA exam. This video aims to simplify the terms for CISA aspirants.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

CISA Exam-E Book-Wireless (Wi-Fi) Security

Points to remember for CISA Exam:

(1)In any given scenario, following are the best practises for Wireless (Wi-Fi) security:

(a)Enable MAC (Media Access Control) address filtering.

(b)Enable Encryption to protect data in transit.

(c)Disable SSID (service set identifier) broadcasting.

(d)Disable DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).

(2)In any given scenario, ‘War Driving’ technique is used by hacker for for unauthorised access to wireless infrastructure. War driving is a technique in which wireless equipped computer is used to locate and gain access to wireless networks.  Same is done by driving or walking in and around building. ‘War Driving’ is also used by auditors to test wireless

(3)In any given scenario, WPA-2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access) is the strongest encryption standard for the wireless connection.

(5)In any given scenario, confidentiality of the data transmitted in a wireless LAN is BEST protected, if the session is encrypted using dynamic keys (as compared to static keys)

For detailed E-Book with QAE on Wireless Security

Friday, 8 July 2016

CISA Exam-Video Tutorial-Digital Signature

4 to 5 questions on digital signature are asked in every CISA exam. This video
discusses about digital signature and types of questions asked in CISA exam

CISA Exam-Video Tutorial-Digital Signature

4 to 5 questions on digital signature are asked in every CISA exam. This video
discusses about digital signature and types of questions asked in CISA exam

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Alternate Recovery Site (Hot/Warm/Cold)

Alternate Recovery Site (Hot/Warm/Cold)

 (Extract from E-Book)

 Detailed e-book can be downloaded from below link:

Types of Alternate Recovery Site

Mirrored Site

Available at site:

-Space and basic infrastructure
-All applications
-Updated data back-up

Further requirement for resumption of service:

-Hardly anything

Hot Site

Available at site:

-Space and basic infrastructure
-All applications

Further requirement for resumption of service:

-Updated data back-up

Point to remember for CISA Exam:

(1)In any given scenario, mirrored site is fastest mode of recovery and then hot site.

(2)In any given scenario, cold site is slowest mode of recovery.

(3)In any given scenario, for critical system, mirrored/hot sites are appropriate option.

(4)In any given scenario, for non-critical system, cold site is appropriate option.

(5)In any given scenario, reciprocal agreement will have lowest expenditure in terms of recovery arrangement.

 Detailed e-book can be downloaded from below link:


(The objective of this e-book is to ensure that CISA candidate get adequate knowledge on concepts of ‘Alternate Sites for Recovery (Hot/Warm/Cold)’ .Question Answer and Explanation (QAE) on the concepts are designed in accordance with CISA exam pattern. This small e-book will help CISA candidate to attempt questions on this particular concepts more confidently and correctly.
This book deals exclusively from CISA exam perspective. Concepts have been simplified for easy reference of CISA candidates.)